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Frequently Asked Questions

  Q1.  How long is each session?

Rolfing® SI Tokyo provides a session maximum 80 minutes session.  Some sessions may be shorter.  The session will include check-in, assessments, re-assessments, tissue work and integration, and home care advice.  The session length is determined by the goals, ability of integration, the client's energy level of the day, and other factors.


  Q2.  What is the optimal length of time between sessions?

The best schedule is about 1 week to 2 weeks between sessions.  Up to 4 weeks between sessions is possible, but your habitual patterns may resurface if you wait too long between sessions.  If needed, we suggest taking a break after the 3rd or 7th session. 

   Q3.  What should I wear during my Rolfing® session?

Wear whatever makes you comfortable: typically underwear or sportswear.  Bra and shorts for women, shorts for men.  Since we will be working on the connective tissue, please avoid thick and bulky fabric.


   Q4.  What makes Rolfing® SI different from massage?

Rolfing® SI differs from deep tissue massage or myofascial release work in many ways.  It is about re-educating your body for better alignment and function through the use of connective tissue manipulation and movement.  The client needs to participate more than in a typical massage session.  We touch the tissue, feeling for the imbalance in the tissue texture, quality, and temperature.  We differentiate facial layers that adhere to each other and muscles that have been pulled out of position by strain or injury.  Finally, we integrate the body, so you feel each part relating to each other with an improved relationship, bringing physical balance in the gravitational field.  In each session, Rolfers™ seek the clients' input to increase their awareness and feel the internal sensation (interception).  We also empower our clients to take charge of their own physical and emotional health. 


   Q5.  Is Rolfing® SI painful?

Previousely, Rolfing® SI had a reputation for being painful.  Early Rolfers™ and their teachers practiced direct and powerful interventions that forced tissue to open instead of allowing tissue to release.  This approach produced a lot of unnecessary pain and even resistance to the therapy.  Most Rolfers™ no longer work this way.  That said, the work can be intense time to time.  Rolfing® SI Tokyo seeks the optimal balance between comfort and effectiveness, with safe, clear, and honest communication with clients.  


   Q6.  What is the initial consultation?

Clients will complete an intake form prior to session 1, clearly stating their goals.  The initial consultation includes physical history, discussion of goals, expectations, questions about Rolfing® SI, the Rolfers™ background and may include a walking assessment.  The consultation also may include discussion of clients’ history of physical and emotional trauma or other issues.  It takes about 15-30 minutes and is added to the first session.  If you need more than 30 minutes, please mention this to the Rolfer™ beforehand.


   Q7.  What are the origins of Rolfing®?

Dr. Ida P. Rolf was a biochemist who studied the properties of myofascia at Columbia University in NYC.  She was interested in a variety of topics and gained a reputation for healing people through movement.  Dr. Rolf evolved a unique system of progressive interventions that transformed the bodies of her clients over a brief period of time into organized systems, removed from previous movement habits, traumas, and daily influences that imprinted them. Dr. Rolf wanted to call her system Structural Integration, but her students wanted to call it Rolfing®.


   Q8.  What is a typical Rolfing® session?

After changing to Rolfing-appropriate wear, we talk about your present condition, experiences after the previous session, and how your body integration is proceeding.  We also talk about the session's goal of the day.  Next is an assessment of your body, after which we start hands-on work.   You may also participate in the active movement.  We may re-assess your movement between the hands-on work, so you can feel the change and adopt the new pattern of coordination.  We integrate your body every session, let you walk, and let you experience the change.  If you feel complete, hands-on work is finished.  We may give you some 'homework' in order for you to adapt to the new structure and coordination.  Finally, we confirm your future schedule and may talk about the next session.


   Q9.  How can I prepare for before and after a session?

Be kind to your body with proper rest, hydration with good quality water, sound sleep, and nutritious food.  Make time to walk in order to accustom yourself to your new alignment.  Rolfing® sessions require client attention.  This participation rebalances tissues that contribute to the body structure, reorganizes movement for increased functionality, and recruits the nervous system.  Through your careful attention, movement, and participation, we better integrate the changes in body structure with neurological functioning.  Some movements or sessions can be very challenging.  Be kind to yourself.  Rolfing® is not just pleasurable therapy, but a means for your growth and development. 


   Q10.  Can Rolifng® SI fix my sciatica?

Rolfing is not a corrective modality.  Rolfers™ are not medical professionals or psychiatrists.  We will not fix or cure your neurological disease or arthritis or herniated disks.  However,  many people have experienced a reduction or elimination of their chronic pain after a Rolfing® session.  The holistic aspects of Rolfing often do help resolve longstanding issues of lower back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, or troubles with breathing or moving.  Some of these issues may resolve instantly, some won’t resolve until the middle, and some won’t resolve until the 10-Series is completed and you have the opportunity to assimilate and manifest the results of the 10-Series.  Rolfing® often helps increase awareness of your body, increase energy levels, and improve performance, but it makes no promises. If these troubles relate to structural issues they very well may resolve.  But they may not resolve if the underlying cause is hormonal or neurological, or due to trauma requiring surgery or psychoanalysis. 


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