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Rolfing 10-Series

The full benefits of Rolfing® Structural Integration are achieved through the 10-Series.  This experience can be life-changing for people suffering from long-term aches, pains or discomfort, or those having limitations with movement.  This unique process helps the body regain its natural integrity and balance in relation to its own gravity.  Your physical structure will change through this hands-on work.  Your body awareness will increase with the restoration of your neurologic pathways.  Each session has specific goals and areas to focus.  The Rolfer™ will update the Rolfing® SI strategy based on the results of your previous session.  The long-lasting effect of the 10-Series comes re-training the patterns of movement and nerve connections that were perviously creating tension. The body will regain its proper structural alignment through non-forceful techniques that will achieve the maximum ease of movement.

Increase the freedom of breathing.  


A free and open breath prepares the body for the demands of the upcoming changes.  A full breath provides support for the chest, shoulders, and neck.  Creating more space between chest and pelvis, as well as between chest and shoulder girdle, allows for better alignment of the ribcage over the pelvis.

Session 2

Sleeve session

Create better function of bilateral support from the feet. 


Opening the breath changes the physical demands on the feet.  Proper alignment in the base of the structure (your feet and lower legs) will improve the stability of the whole system.

Creating more length at the side and having better vertical alignment


Opening the sides will increase the front and back balance of the body.  Differentiating soft tissue of the pelvis from that of the ribs allows the pelvis more freedom of movement options.

Session 4

Core session

Finding support and balance from the ground for space and alignment of the core.


The core begins from the base of the pelvis up through the roof of the mouth.  Finding support through the ankles, up along the inner leg, before accessing the core is the key to good core expansion.  

Session 5

Core session

Rebalancing the pelvic floor with the respiratory diaphragm and accessing the deep layers of the lower back from the front. 


Focus on the deep tissues dealing with the front of the spine and core space to establish flexibility in the lower back and tensional balance between deep and superficial abdominal structures.

Session 1

Sleeve session

Session 3

Sleeve session

Core session

Establish good alignment of the pelvis and sacrum. 


Address the deep tissues of the back of the spine and back of the core space to establish flexibility in the lower and upper back.  Also, focus upon creating the best possible leg alignment for better function of the pelvis to the axial skeleton.

Session 7

Core session

Creating more length in the whole spine and expanding core space by connecting to the upper space of core.


Lengthening and repositioning of the neck and the head.  Bring ease and balance of the facial structure, while expanding the space inside the skull.

Session 8 

Integration session

Integrate the upper/lower body.


Achieve integration to develop a balanced whole.  Concentrate on structural stability. 

Session 9

Integration session

Integrate the upper/lower body. 


Achieve integration to develop a balanced whole.  Concentrate on functional (movement) aspects.  Establish balanced movement patterns. 




Session 10

Integration session

Integrate the entire body and provide closure.


Free and coordinated movement across multiple joints.  Supported skeletal alignment by extending energy from the ground, up to the sky.

Session 6

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